A new study by the British magazine Natural has found that many tropical forests around the world, including the Asiatic River Basin, are gradually losing carbon neutrality. Plants cannot absorb excess carbon dioxide and will gradually become greenhouses. The source of the body’s emissions. If unforeseen, the problem of global warming will continue to worsen in the next few years.

The application and development of silk cocoons can alleviate the problem of global warming. On the one hand, the application of silk can replace most of the chemical components and reduce the pollution of Polygonatum by these components. On the other hand, silkworm babies can spin into cocoons by eating clean and green mulberry leaves. Mulberry is a kind of plant species that can efficiently absorb carbon dioxide. Through photosynthesis, it transfers the greenhouse body from the state to the solid state, and circulates into the soil and the plant body to form a stable carbon sequestration. Reduce the volume of greenhouses in the masses. Because large-scale mulberry planting can alleviate the problem of global warming.

For thousands of years, silk and other silk products have achieved mature trade circulation on a global scale. With the rapid development of science and technology, researchers have been able to isolate the main component-silk fibroin from silk fiber. Beginning in 2000, a research team led by Professor David Kaplan, head of the Department of Biomedicine at Tufts University in the United States, found that silk fibroin protein materials have good biocompatibility after being injected or transplanted into animals , Without inflammation and immune response, it has been widely used in the research and development of medical devices and drug sustained-release products.

Popular materials that the global biopolymer community pays attention to
Silk fibroin
  • Green Safety

    — Body implantable material

    — Mass production applications follow the principle of sustainable development

  • Strong Plasticity

    — Powder, liquid, gel, etc.

    — Nano-level applications

  • Widely Used

    — Cross-border application of medical materials

    — Extended development in multiple fields

Why is it recommended to use liquid structural silk?
A simple experimental comparison Replacement Replacement Observe the preparation process
Does your industry use liquid structural silk products?